Australia - Janssen Spirituality Centre "Building Inter-religious & Cross-cultural Relations"
Austria - Missionsprokur St. Gabriel
Brazil - Núcleo Verbita de Fé e Cultura
Brazil - São Paolo Centro Biblico Verbo
Botswana - Lefoko Missionary Pastoral Centre
Chile - Animación Misionera
Colombia - Fundación Editores Verbo Divino
Colombia - SEBIVE - El Servicio Bíblico Verbo
Congo (Rép. Dém. du) - Centre Liloba - Pour la Pastorale de la Bible
Congo (Rép. Dém. du) - Verbum Bible, La Bible en langue local pour l'Afrique
Ecuador - Centro Bíblico Verbo Divino
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis - St. Jerome Biblical Studies Institute
Germany - AFRAM :: Reading. Understanding. Living - The Word of God
Germany - Arnold Janssen Spirituality Center
Germany - Missionsprokur
Germany - Orgelkonzerte online (Die Steyler)
Germany - SVDBible · SVD Biblical Apostolate Coordination
India - Holy Spirit Hospital
India - Sunday Gospel Reflection
India - Vikash Deepti, a registered charitable society
Indonesia - Tirta Wacana: SVD Bible Center Batam
Italy -
Ad Gentes
Italy - Catacombs of Saint Domitilla
Mexico - Misioneros Auxiliares del Verbo Divino
Mexico - Misioneros Laicos del Verbo Divino
Philippines - Hatid Misyon :: Helping Mission, doing e-Vangelization
Philippines - Home of the Young Missionaries | Hearts On Fire
Philippines - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Manila
Philippines - Vocations Service
Poland - Apostolat Biblijny SVD w Polsce
Poland - Misyjny Serwis Internetowy
Poland - Ośrodek Migranta Fu Shenfu Migrant Center
Slovakia - Misie - informačný portál o misiách, misionároch a dobrovoľníkoch v misiách
SSpS - Equipo Panamericano de animación misionera de las Siervas del Espíritu Santo
SVD-SSpS - Vivat International
Taiwan - One World Community Services Center
Thailand - Mother of Perpetual Help Center
Thailand - Mother of Perpetual Help Center Blog
USA - Bible Study at 8:30AM :: University Ministry - St. Leo University in Florida
USA - Bowman-Francis (The) Ministry Projects
USA - Charitable Gift Annuity
USA - Development Department (USC)
USA - Divine Word Companion Group / Thân Hữu Ngôi Lời
USA - HOPE Project - Saint Anselm - Chicago-Illinois
USA - Lay Misionaries of the Divine Word, Riverside, CA
USA - Miramar Retreat Center (USC)
USA - Share our vision, help our mission
USA - St. Augustine's WJK Retreat Center (USS)
USA - Vocation Team (US)
USA - Techny Towers Illinois conference and retreat center