“Your Light Must Shine Before Others” (Mt 5:16)
Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World

Prayer for the 19th General Chapter

We thank You, O Triune God,
You give light, you are light, you inspire light
We contemplate with our Founder St. Arnold Janssen:
“How merciful is God’s love that has opened the light of my eyes
and now I should enlighten others as well.”

Illumine us to recognize the wounds that need healing,
inspire us to be faithful in our vocation and
creative disciples in our mission.

As we prepare for the next General Chapter,
accompany us in our journey together.
Bless every member of our Arnoldus family.

Blessed Mary, Mother of the Word,
help us to deepen our commitment to Jesus your Son
who asks us:
Your light must shine before others.