SVD Biblical Apostolate - Documents/Articles
Sunday of the Word of God / Domingo de la Palabra de Dios:
Arnold Janssen holding the Bible
Arnoldo Janssen sosteniendo la Biblia
Arnold's Top Ten Biblical Quotations
Los diez pasajes bíblicos más citados por Arnoldo
Year of the Word of God - EUROPE Report
Year of the Word of God - AFRAM Report
Biblical reflections on corruption
Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio of the Supreme Pontiff Francis "Aperuit illis" (30 September 2019)
Encountering the Transforming Word - A Short Reflection Guide for Sunday‟ Gospels October / November 2018
Encuentro con la Palabra transformadora - Una breve guía de reflexión para los Evangelios del domingo Octubre / Noviembre 2018
AFRAM Recommendations 2006
ASPAC Final Statement 2007
Bible Key -
Shevlin, John SVD - 2010
Directory of SVD Biblical Ministries [
Encountering the Transforming Word [
Encuentro de animadores/as bíblicos de parroquias - Miguel.A.Armada svd
EUROPA Final Statement 2006
(O) Evangelho de Lucas - Barrios, B.E, SVD
Prophetic Dialogue in Religious Life in the Light of the Bible - Tomaz Hughes, SVD
(O) Próximo misericordioso: O Bom Samaritano: (Lc 10,25-37) - N. Rebello SVD
Tanzania CBF Final Statement 2008
Year of Divine Word Missionaries Reading the Bible :: May 2005 – June 2006
(The) Year of St. Paul [en-es]