Divine Word Missionaries


The Book of Antiphons
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Arnold Janssen Spirituality Center

Edward Peklo, SVD


to Celebrate the Feasts and the Blessed History
Divine Word Missionaries
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters
North America


In January of 1996 I had the privilege of being one of the North American delegates to the first SVD Pan American Zonal Formation Meeting, held in Santiago, Chile. At a gathering of zonal Novitiate Directors, John Ledwidge of Mexico, told us about his periodic use of quotes and sayings from Arnold Janssen as antiphons for Liturgy of the Hours, not unlike, for example, the antiphons for the Feast of St. Lawrence on Aug. 10.

I decided this was something I wanted to introduce to the SVD/USA Novitiate Program, creating antiphons based on the life and spirituality of Arnold, but also Maria Helena Stollenwerk & Josepha Stenmanns, the co Foundresses of the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters and Mary Michael Toennies, co-Foundress of the Adoration Sisters. It is my hope that these antiphons represent the richness of the charisms inspired by the Holy Spirit and rooted in Arnold Janssen.

The Steyl-USA Extended Spirituality Team also expressed an interest in this project and suggested it be shared with SVD/SSpS/SSpSAP communities in the USA.

And so I offer this in that spirit. The feasts and remembered days chosen are based on the Calendar created for the SVD USA Centennial celebration: this project is for North America. But hopefully, wherever, it can serve as a model and resource for others creating something to celebrate their own local community and blessed history.

Edward Peklo, SVD
Techny, IL. USA
Aug. 13, 1996


Leader: His life is our life, his mission our mission. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we follow the Divine Word, glorifying the Father and * bringing the fullness of life to others.
All: (Repeat)
Leader: We propose to make the goodness and kindness of God visible in our life and service.
All: Bringing the fullness of life to others.
Leader: Glory ...
All: His life ...

(SVD Const: Prologue)



Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Impelled by inner grace, Arnold Janssen attained to a genuine personal interior and exterior holiness. He did so to such a degree that be was always looked upon as a man of profound faith. (Decree on the Heroicity of the Virtues of the Servant of God, Father Arnold Janssen)
Ant 2 Even in the midst of the most desperate difficulties, he was never confounded because he trusted in God. His death itself… was an eloquent act of true Christian hope. (Decree)
Ant 3 Arnold Janssen was a just man and acknowledged that all good comes from God, the Father of Light. He was obedient therefore to God’s Holy Will and thanked God from the depth of his heart for God's loving providence. (Decree)
Cant. This Servant of God was courageous in his apostolic undertakings, courageous in his daily tasks, courageous amid the adversities of life. (Decree)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Arnold Janssen called himself simply a poor instrument in the hands of God and frequently repeated the words of the Psalm, ‘Not to us, O Lord, but to your Name give the glory’. (Decree on the Heroicity of the Virtues of the Servant of God, Father Arnold Janssen)
Ant 2 In all his difficulties, he sought above all else, to adapt himself to the will of God and he trusted in God’s providence. (Decree)
Ant 3 For 30 years Arnold showed his followers by his example that one should not be completely absorbed in external activity of all kinds but that by means of prayer and inner union with God one must try to find the strength and the divine assistance needed in one’s work. (Decree)
Cant. Only a person afire with the love of God, as was Arnold Janssen, could give, amid great difficulties and uninterrupted activity, the constant example of a life that was consecrated in an heroic degree to the glory of God and the salvation of souls. (Decree)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Hosts! The earth is full of thy glory! Glory be to the Father! Glory be to the Son! Glory be to the Holy Spirit! (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The Holy Spirit is the life and strength of my spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Let us praise the whole Trinity, but especially the Blessed Third Person, through which God gives 'himself' in sanctifying grace like a kiss of the creator, a father, or a bridegroom. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Just as the light of the sun's rays is broken into seven colors of the rainbow when it hits the rainfall, so the grace of the Holy Spirit is sevenfold and enlightens each with its own beauty. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Let us dedicate our memory to the heavenly Father so that through God’s grace our minds will be filled not with the created but the Creator. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Let us dedicate our intellect to the only begotten Son, who is eternal wisdom, so that he will enlighten it. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Let us dedicate our wills to the Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and the Son, so that the Spirit will guide all our inclinations and sanctify them through Love. (A. Janssen)
Cant. The Holy Spirit, the fire and flame of divine love, is the artist who takes the image of God divine life and light from the Son and infuses and enflames us. (A. Janssen)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 How happy it should make us to be able to help in some small way in sowing the good seed, the Divine Word. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 2 Before that work can be entrusted to us, however, the Divine Gardener demands that we undergo a kind of test that we first cultivate a small plot our own heart. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 3 I will follow the Lord’s call and bid farewell to everything that still binds me to Europe so that in the Far East I may dedicate myself with the whole of my energy to the service of the most high God. (J. Freinademetz)
Cant. Now I have to tear myself away from everything. I just begin all over again in a new world, make new friends, learn a new language, in every way begin afresh. What have you done? Rather, what will you do? (J. Freinademetz)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 All Christians considered Joseph to be a living saint...Whoever came in contact with him was deeply impressed and somehow drew comfort from his very presence. (Cardinal Tien, SVD)
Ant 2 Fu Shenfu is a saint. He is different from all others. (Chinese catechist)
Ant 3 Joseph was always available to others and sacrificed himself selflessly for others to the utmost limit of self-forgetfulness. (Cardinal Tien, SVD)
Cant. I die with perfect confidence in the mercy of the Divine Heart and in the intercession of His and my mother Mary, as well as of my patron and the patron of a happy death, St. Joseph. (J. Freinademetz)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 If we live in community, it is not the extraordinary which is the best, but the daily ordinary things. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Let us perform deeds of loving service for one another. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 We do not want to fail through lack of trust in Divine Providence and in God’s leadership. If anything has special blessing, it must always come from the holy will of God. (A. Janssen)
Cant. We should have a joyful, thankful heart and make our gratitude shine through joy each day. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Strive to attain a living and perfect faith and be always ready, yes, even expecting to die for the faith. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Trust in God, pray, work and remain quiet and joyful; because one must suffer for the sake of justice just as the Divine Savior admonished us. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 We must strive to increase the love of God in us. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Kindness and gentleness never come alone. They presuppose many other virtues and a heart filled with love. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 From now on my life is to be one of love and gratitude. Let others do great things for the common good according to their vocation; it is my lot to burn with love for God, to persevere in prayer and to lead a life that is poor and held in contempt. (M. Maria)
Ant 2 Our hearts should sing for joy every time we think of our vocation. (M. Maria)
Ant 3 Through the intercession of his holy mother and holy foster father, may Jesus give us the grace to put on the Holy Spirit and to follow Jesus, especially in his hiddenness, poverty, purity and obedience. (M. Maria)
Cant. Let us not allow a single day to pass without thanking God from the deepest ground of our hearts for the grace of our vocation to religious life. And still more that it was us whom he called to be missionaries. (M. Maria)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 How happy are you that in the missions you are following in the footsteps of Jesus. Do everything in union with Jesus and for Jesus. (M. Maria)
Ant 2 God wishes from me perfect receptivity of heart, total surrender to the action of grace. Take care not to deny God anything. (M. Maria)
Ant 3 Everyday I will offer myself to the heavenly Father as a perfect holocaust in union with Jesus through the Holy Spirit, so that God may do with me as God pleases. (M. Maria)
Cant. For however much I long for missionary life, I long far more that God’s holy will be done in me. (M. Maria)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Through sanctifying grace we became brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ in that we have his Spirit. How great is the love of the Holy Spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The Holy Spirit enters into a union that makes us holy, by living within us in as close a relationship as bridegroom and bride. We are immersed in the Spirit’s love. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 The grace of the Holy Spirit is almighty. Without the Spirit we cannot acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord. But the power of the Spirit enables a person to bear up under the greatest pains and to take on the greatest tasks and endure privations. (A. Janssen)
Cant. I have offered myself body and soul to the Holy Spirit as a living sacrifice and I asked for the grace to recognize the Spirit’s love and to live and die for the Spirit alone. May the Holy Spirit stand by me in my life’s pilgrimage, cleanse me of sin, and help me to do all according to God's will. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 True love lifts the heart above its own ego, up to the common good and to that which is of help to many people. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 True love gladly offers itself for the common needs. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Those who forget themselves and think about the good of others, possess also peace and the joy of the Holy Spirit who is the God of eternal love. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Let us rejoice over the wonderful love of the Holy Spirit who is the breath of the Father and Son’s love. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 A cloister should be a place from which the fragrance of piety, of devotion, and of love of God ascends unceasingly. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Cheerfulness is holiness. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 3 We should be naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural. (Mother Mary Michael)
Cant. We must show more love precisely to those who show less to us. (Mother Mary Michael)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Be always conscientious, be exact and faithful in the least as well as in the greatest. Avoid all exaggeration for it offends against truth. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 2 Live quietly with God. Work gladly for God. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 3 View things from God’s viewpoint. Talk things over with God. (Mother Mary Michael)
Cant. Glow with zeal for the glory of God. Find your joy in God. Rest deep in the Heart of God. (Mother Mary Michael)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 I abandon myself entirely to the divine Will and then let God the Lord do with me what God wills. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 I praise God’s holy Will at every time and desire only to fulfill it. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 If God decides to let something harder and heavier strike me, I am still ready and take it all as coming from God’s hand. (A. Janssen)
Cant. To humble yourself truly and deeply before God and others is the best way to receive divine light and help for the future. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 We practice thankfulness before God the Lord; for we owe God everything that we are and have and also that which we have received from others. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 When things go against us, let us remember that God the Lord in great wisdom and love still guides and directs us. We can trust and have patience because God will bring good out of whatever happens. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 The meaning of Religious Life does not consist only in living together, nor in religious dress and even less in a religious name. It consists in being dedicated to God as a sacrificial offering and striving after perfection. (A. Janssen)
Cant. We ought to recognize what treasures of grace, salvation and happiness we have in our divine Savior. Then we would cling to Him with all our love and the complete power of our spirit. There would be no divisions in our love. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 May God the Holy Spirit and the most Sacred Heart of Jesus bless all abundantly, allowing the good, which we all so sincerely desire, to flourish. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 2 The good we desire is that God strengthen us in our vocation as pious, zealous missionaries and religious. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 3 May the eternal Judge find that we have been ‘good and faithful servants’ who responded in all things to God’s will. (J. Freinademetz)
Cant. May our unity strike deep roots in this place so that no storm wind may be strong enough to uproot this tree. (J. Freinademetz)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Fulfill your vows to the most high, fulfilling our life’s tasks that they may contribute to our sanctification and eternal happiness. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 2 The Triune God alone can give growth to our efforts and make them fruitful. (J. Freinademetz)
Ant 3 Let us receive the way of life of our Society with both hands as if it were given by God. Let us not be frightened off by the sacrifices fidelity will demand of us. (J. Freinademetz)
Cant. May the Society be our guide in our vocation so rich in sacrifices, our pilot on the sea of life so that one day it may be the pass that will allow us to enter the gate of heaven. (J. Freinademetz)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 I have kissed the hand of the Lord which struck me and with his help I have kept up my trust even now. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 I do not deserve to be honored and revered since in many points I have only fulfilled God’s will in my life rather poorly and I know that I am still a poor sinner. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 One should watch over one’s heart and tongue and not let any discontentment arise in it. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Please do pray to do God’s holy will and follow it forthrightly. It is an old truth that God who is the Lord of religious leads them on the way of obedience to that which is best for them. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Do keep up your courage even when it does not seem to go well with you. If we will do our duty, God will come to our help and God knows how to make good come of evil. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 O simplicity of the person who is in love with God. How great you are! With you there is much more light, effectiveness and power than there is with self righteous learned persons. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 O holy simplicity, may you reign in all Christian places of instruction and in families. With you, a new truly authentic and powerful generation will grow up before our eyes. (A. Janssen)
Cant. One cannot love God here on this earth without undergoing pain and suffering. (A. Janssen)

MAY 10

Morning Prayer

Ant 1 God alone can fill the heart. The human heart is too great to be held captive by creatures. (M. Maria)
Ant 2 Genuine community living calls us to continual conversion. With love and sincerity we endeavor to overcome all tensions, misunderstandings and failures that are unavoidable in our daily life. (SSpS Const. 306)
Ant 3 Our unity and mutual understanding, our sharing of life and mission are a silent proclamation. The church and the world rightly expect this sign of unity and hope from us. (SSpS Const. 315)
Cant. Strengthened by the Spirit of love, we honor and love him in a special way and implore him to renew the grace we received in confirmation. We remain open to his action through which we are transformed into Christ. (SSpS Const. 405)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 It is the Holy Spirit who constantly enables us to keep our lives directed towards God. (SSpS Const. 414)
Ant 2 Under the Spirit’s guidance we more clearly recognize the will of the Father in daily life and respond to it with increasing generosity, taking up our cross and following Christ radically. (SSpS Const. 414)
Ant 3 Our religious missionary vocation grows in a living Christ centered community. (SSpS Const. 505)
Cant. God takes the initiative in calling us to the religious missionary life, and it is he who forms and guides each of us throughout life. (SSpS Const. 509)

MAY 20

Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Let us try to accept in gratitude everything that comes from the hand of God: joy and affliction, health and sickness; God allows all these things for our good. (M. Josepha)
Ant 2 We can safely leave our future to the goodness of God. He will take care of us like a loving Father. (M. Josepha)
Ant 3 How foolish it is to have all kinds of wishes. Let us just live from hour to hour, from day to day, and leave the future to God. (M. Josepha)
Cant. I desire nothing more than to be the least and to give my life entirely in the service of spreading the Gospel. I surrender myself to the holy will of God and will follow your guidance, Father Arnold. (M. Josepha)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Pray often to the Holy Spirit for the gifts of wisdom and strength. God the Holy Spirit will certainly enlighten you to do everything in such a way that all work becomes a prayer. (M. Josepha)
Ant 2 Dear children, try to preserve peace of heart. It is a treasure. Then God’s blessing will be on your work and you will retire at night happy. (M. Josepha)
Ant 3 Proceed with tranquility, God’s work cannot be forced .... Good things take their time. (M. Josepha)
Cant. God, Holy Spirit, I consecrate my whole life to your love and honor. (M. Josepha)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 May the love and joy of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 I ask the Holy Spirit that he may illumine and strengthen you all and bind you with the bond of holy love. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 The Spirit can still unite us today by making us talk the ‘only foreign language all understand -- Love.’ (J. Freinademetz)
Cant. We must shape our lives according to our faith by always listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. (SVD Const. 508)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 The Holy Spirit speaks to us in scripture, in the life of the community and of the church, as well as in contemporary events. (SVD Const. 508)
Ant 2 Our strength lies in the Holy Spirit and not in our own efforts. (SSpS Const. 120)
Ant 3 We glorify the Holy Spirit especially in our readiness to let ourselves be led by his love and in remaining receptive and docile to his inspirations. (Adoration Const. 102)
Cant. May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace and may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. (A. Janssen)

MAY 28

Morning Prayer

Ant 1 All our Sisters must be aware that they are called to cooperate in spreading the faith – all, but especially the cloistered Sisters, by their spiritual cooperation through prayer. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Your whole religious life should be unceasing adoration, through a life of purity and immolation, of love and total surrender to God, in intimate union with the Eucharistic life of Jesus. (1935 Directory of Adoration sisters)
Ant 3 This is how the Holy Spirit works in souls – slowly but steadily, quietly, peacefully. (Mother Mary Michael)
Cant. As love accomplishes everything, mitigates what is hard and eases difficulties, all should endeavor to let everything spring from love. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 If a responsible attitude is present, all is well; but if it is lacking, all the rules will be of little avail. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 2 Our way of life and our dedication are a challenge that can be accepted and justified only by faith. (Adoration Const: Epilogue)
Ant 3 We consider our duty of glorifying the triune God in his mysteries and saving works as being intimately connected with our specific service to all humanity, whom we represent before God. (Adoration Const. 104)
Cant. The closer our union with the triune God in loving contemplation, the more we are taken up into the dynamic of God’s love for all. (Adoration Const. 104)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 In the Sacred Heart dwells the entire Blessed Trinity: the omnipotence of the Father, the wisdom and beauty of the Son, the love and wealth of the holy Spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Love alone enlarges the heart. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 May the heart of Jesus live among us! (A. Janssen)
Cant. We should identify with the mind, love, spirit of sacrifice, and zeal of Jesus … so that Christ can live in us and use us according to the wishes and desires of his Heart. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 May the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The Sacred Heart gave his blood for our salvation freely and with great love for our sanctification. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 O Divine Heart, inflame all hearts with your sweet and holy love! (A. Janssen)
Cant. O Divine Heart of Jesus, source of all the graces of the Holy Spirit, let us also partake in your fullness and teach us how to love the Spirit who enriched you so greatly. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 The name is chosen: Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit. My dear ones, rejoice with all your hearts and help me thank God, for God wants to give us so incredibly much more than I would ever have dared to hope. (Mother Maria)
Ant 2 I have prayed fervently for the light of the Holy Spirit, so that I may be led where God has planned to lead me from all eternity. (Mother Josepha)
Ant 3 For a servant of the Holy Spirit, every day should be a new Pentecost; every breath, 'Come, Holy Spirit!'; every deed, 'Send forth Thy Spirit!'; and every heartbeat, 'Lord Jesus, send us from the Father the Holy Spirit!' (Mother Mary Michael)
Cant. God the Father has sent his only Son into the world in order to redeem it. The Holy Spirit bas also been sent to us; with life giving grace, the Holy Spirit, together with the Father and the Son takes up dwelling in our hearts. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 If the will of God does not always seem in accord with our desires, it is always healing and salvific. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Good works demand sacrifice, and God and souls require that we should be ready for all such sacrifices. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 God the Lord may do as he wants with me. I yield myself to God. What God judges is done well; God is and remains always loving. May God only find me as a faithful servant. (A. Janssen)
Cant. I will serve you, Lord, you are my Redeemer and have given your life for me. I want to do the same for you. You made me holy. I want to belong to you. Teach me to do your holy Will. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 We consider it our duty to proclaim the word of God to all. (SVD Const. 102)
Ant 2 We consider it our duty to bring new communities into being within the people of God. (SVD Const. 102)
Ant 3 We consider it our duty to foster the growth of these new communities and to promote communion among them as well as with the whole church. (SVD Const. 102)
Cant. We work first and foremost where the Gospel has not been preached at all or only sufficiently and where the local church is not viable on its own. (SVD Const. 102)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Whoever joins our Society must be ready to go wherever the superior sends him in order to fulfill our missionary mandate. (SVD Const. 102)
Ant 2 We try to insert ourselves into the actual situation of those among whom we work. (SVD Const. 103)
Ant 3 With open mind and deep respect for the religious traditions of peoples, we seek dialogue with all and present the good news of God’s love to them. (SVD Const. 103)
Cant. We have the openness of our founder, Arnold Janssen, always ready to discern anew the will of God, and be available, flexible and ready to venture into new situations. (SVD Const. 104)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Hosts! The earth is full of thy glory! Glory be to the Father! Glory be to the Son! Glory be to the Holy Spirit! (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The Holy Spirit is the life and strength of my spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Let us praise the whole Trinity, but especially the Blessed Third Person, through which God gives 'himself’ in sanctifying grace like a kiss of the creator, a father, or a bridegroom. (A. Janssen)
Cant. The Holy Spirit enters into a union that makes us holy, by living within us as close a relationship as groom and bride. We are immersed in the Spirit’s love. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 True love lifts the heart above its own ego, up to the common good and to that which is of help to many people. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 True love gladly offers itself for the common needs. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Those who forget themselves and think about the good of others, possess also peace and the joy of the Holy Spirit who is the God of eternal love. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Let us rejoice over the wonderful love of the Holy Spirit who is the breath of the Father and Son’s love.


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 O Holy Spirit, you are love itself. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Holy Spirit, you formed the divine Heart of Jesus and anointed it with every gift of grace. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Holy Spirit, draw from the Heart of Jesus and pour into our hearts your sevenfold gifts. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Holy Spirit, strengthen us with your gifts that we may love and honor God as good children while we are here on earth and receive our eternal inheritance in heaven. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 In the evening of my life, come to me, O Holy Spirit, in order that I can praise and thank you most fervently. In your presence, my soul praises you. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 O my God of beautiful love, never can I love and thank you enough. You give me what I have on earth. Body and Soul I owe you. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Spirit of everlasting love, receive love and thanks for everything. Forgive that I have loved you so little and have done so little for you. (A. Janssen)
Cant. When I end my life, give O dear Consoler mine, that I may be united with you and enter into your rest. (A. Janssen)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 In our endeavor to live our missionary vocation faithfully, we look to Mary, mother of the Incarnate Word and our mother. (SVD Const. 123)
Ant 2 What joy feeds the soul that has given itself undivided and entirely to God. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Love alone enlarges the heart. (A. Janssen)
Cant. With confidence we ask Mary, who through her fiat became mother of the Word Incarnate... to help us live out our vow from day to day in the strength and joy of the Holy Spirit. (SVD Const. 206)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Mary is our model of faithful attentiveness and ready response to God’s Word. (SVD Const. 406)
Ant 2 Seek in all things to fulfill not your will but the will of the heavenly Father. Seek even to be nothing in your own eyes and to please God in all things. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 At the opening of Steyl, Arnold said: “If anything is to come out of this house, we wish to be thankful for the grace of God, and if nothing comes of it, we will acknowledge, 'We were not worthy of the grace.'” (A. Janssen)
Cant. Mary will help us become selfless ministers of the Divine Word, dedicating ourselves untiringly for the life of the world . (SVD Const. 123)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1  Faithful to the founder's intention, we live out our charism in the local churches. (1988 SVD General Chapter)
Ant 2 We express our faithfulness to our founder's intention by placing emphasis on the world wide dimension of mission. (SVD ‘88 Chapter)
Ant 3 We also express our faithfulness by identifying ourselves with the frontier situations which can be found in the local churches. (SVD ‘88 Chapter)
Cant. People must be able to recognize that we have experienced in our own lives the kingdom that we proclaim to others. (SVD Const. 106)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Christ is the Word who enlightens every person who comes into the world. Our love for Christ and his good news for all people of good will requires a spirit of dialogue at all levels of life. (SVD 1988 General Chapter)
Ant 2 Dialogue is an attitude of life and love and a way of sharing our vision and mission. (SVD ‘88 Chapter)
Ant 3 Dialogue is at the very core of the missionary activity of our Society. It is an attempt to cooperate with God’s plan for the communion of all peoples with God and the unity of all peoples of the earth. (SVD ‘88 Chapter)
Cant. As Divine Word Missionaries we commit ourselves to the Gospel principle of inculturation made clear in the incarnation of the Divine Word. (SVD 188 Chapter)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Since missionary work is by its very nature the work and revelation of the Holy Spirit, we place ourselves and our Society under the Spirit’s guidance and direction. (SVD Const. 105)
Ant 2 The Spirit’s light enables us to understand the Gospel, to interpret the signs of the times and thus discern the will of God. (SVD Const. 105)
Ant 3 The Spirit’s strength empowers us to become faithful co workers and missionaries of the Divine Word. (SVD Const. 105)
Cant. Since the Holy Spirit alone makes our proclamation fruitful, we rely upon the Spirit’s guidance and grace and not upon our own efforts and abilities. (SVD Const. 122)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 We must shape our lives according to our faith by always listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. (SVD Const. 508)
Ant 2 The Holy Spirit speaks to us in scripture, in the life of the community and of the church, as well as in contemporary events. (SVD Const. 508)
Ant 3 Our response to the voice of the Spirit should be in prayer and action. (SVD Const. 508)
Cant. We endeavor always to be loving towards others because of the love of the Holy Spirit towards us. The Spirit is the God of love, the love of the Father and the Son. (A. Janssen)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 One should not be fearful in doing things that are necessary. If they are needed, God wills them. And if so, God will also help that they are accomplished if only we trust God. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The Society regards as the foundation of itself and its effectivity the recognition of its own nothingness and the recognition of the greatness, love and grace of God. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Dedication to God is the straight way to perfection. (A. Janssen)
Cant. In union with the whole church, we give praise for what God has done In the angels and saints. We ask their intercession and strive to follow their example. (SVD Const. 406)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Christ’s special love for humanity is pictured as a bridegroom who loves his bride. This is a tender picture. Yes, Christ has married his bride, the church. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 I beg the good God to give us recognition of the divine will and joyful rest in the fulfillment of God’s will. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 The temple of our heart is wonderfully built by a divine masterhand. There we bring to God the gold of our faith and our love and the myrrh of sufferings patiently endured. (A. Janssen)
Cant. As two people love each other so deeply the more they are alike In their feelings and senses, so must also the Son of God tenderly love us who in our inner sense are entirely in agreement with him. We possess the same Spirit together. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 May the holy triune God be recognized, loved and glorified by all people: the might of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the love of the Holy Spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The will of God is especially precious for it contains our happiness in life and death. The dear God really means it very well with each of us. If we would always seek to carry out God’s holy will and listen to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we would be truly happy. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 May the good God give us the grace to seek the divine holy will with eagerness. May God make us worthy of divine blessings ever more and more through the attainment of a simple God loving heart. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Try to fulfill in all not your own will but the will of your heavenly Father. Try also to wish that you would be humbled but that God alone may be glorified. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Try to find in all things the best intention which consists in uniting yourself to the love of the Holy Spirit so that God alone may be loved. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 May the holy triune God always take you up in the embrace of divine love. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 We want to begin the undertaking in God’s name and if it succeeds we will say, “All honor to you, O Lord.” If it does not succeed, "To us the burden.” (A. Janssen)
Cant. If I do that which I recognize after a time of reflection as the holy will of God, it should not trouble me if others find fault with me. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Arnold Janssen constantly displayed a strength of spirit that could only have had its deepest roots in his spirit of faith and in his love of God. He placed all his trust in the providence of the heavenly Father. (Decree on the Heroicity of the Virtues of the Servant of God, Father Arnold Janssen)
Ant 2 After being seven years in China, Joseph Freinademetz wrote to his family: "I love China and the Chinese and am ready to die a thousand deaths for them.” (‘Joseph Freinademetz' by Jos Vazhayil, SVD)
Ant 3 Arnold Janssen gradually made progress on the way of perfection until he had attained to an heroic practice of the theological and moral virtues. (Decree)
Cant. The conversion of China will never be realized without much prayer, because prayer is for the Catholic mission what rain is for the fruitful fields. (Joseph Freinademetz)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 I ask all my confreres who share in our holy vocation graciously to remember me as they have the grace to celebrate the sacrifice of our salvation. May we all be reunited in God’s beautiful heaven. (Joseph Freinademetz)
Ant 2 The exemplary interior life and the heroic degree of Arnold Janssen’s virtues were the driving force behind all his great enterprises and undertakings in behalf of the missions. (Decree)
Ant 3 The missionary must be ready to stand by his vocation for his life time and renounce himself and all those whom he thus far considered as his own and instead become all things to all people. The servant of God, Joseph Freinademetz, realized all this totally and perfectly. (Decree on the Heroicity of the Virtues of the Servant of God, Joseph Freinademetz)
Cant. This simple, and as some believed, incompetent priest, Arnold Janssen, has become in an astonishing manner, “The Father of many nations.” (Decree, quoting the Bishops of Germany)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 God created the world through his Word and vivified the universe through his Spirit. In his boundless love he called all peoples to union with himself in life and glory. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Ant 2 When the fullness of time bad come, God sent his Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit to announce the message of salvation to the poor, to bring healing to those who suffer and to offer himself as a ransom for the many. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Ant 3 The glorified Lord pours out his Spirit on the church, making her an efficacious sign of salvation for all. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Cant. To diffuse the light of faith more brightly among all peoples, the Spirit of God continually raises up communities within the church which are specifically committed to carrying out her mission. (SSpS Const. Prologue)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 In the power of the Holy Spirit we follow Christ, praising the Father and bringing the fullness of life to others. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Ant 2 Through the incarnation of his Son and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Father has opened the way for all peoples to be gathered into the loving communion of the Blessed Trinity. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Ant 3 Wherever the church sends us we proclaim the love of the Father so that all people may find the way of salvation, freed from the darkness of sin and night of unbelief by the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. (SSpS Const. Prologue)
Cant. In intimate union with the Lord and under the guidance of his Spirit, we give our lives in missionary service. (SSpS Const. Prologue)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 O secret depth of those who are engulfed in God and who cannot continue in their life without suffering and yet receive from sufferings life and strength and divine growth .... This is indeed a great mystery. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Please think often in your life of all that happened and what comes about in order to humble us. May we do penance as soon as we find that we have spoken only for our own honor and pride. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 We try hard to fight against the willful venial sins. This is a battle, yet we should not give up. Particularly we avoid harsh words and strive to be friendly and open in dealing with others. (A. Janssen)
Cant. We should never be timid if sorrow and trouble come over us, but thank God for this! It pleases God when his servants really have trust in him. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 In the measure in which we humbly bow our heads, the Lord lifts us up and rewards us with graces. We obtain God’s greater favor as well as the favor of others. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 lf we have earned sufferings through our own sins, they can help us towards God if we use them as penance. These sufferings can earn new graces if we bear them daily with real patience. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 Our goal is not to have a life that is free of sorrows, but to bear heavy burdens by the power of the Spirit. Let us, in union with Jesus, endure such burdens to bear fruit for the kingdom. (A. Janssen)
Cant. Let us carry out decisively what is our duty and do not fear opposition. God the Lord has protected us in the past and will do so in the future. (A. Janssen)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 Our prayers will become mighty and penetrate the clouds and all our work will be made holy through the dwelling of the Holy Spirit within us. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 Religious should not be like a weather vane which turns in all directions as the wind blows, but should be like living stones which are steadfast against sin, in practicing virtue, in guarding the peace, and in the observance of the holy rule. Thus they are pleasing to the Holy Spirit. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 What God does is done well. Also, if it does not always please our taste, the Lord still has a wise purpose for it. Sometimes we want to remain only half human and God the Lord wants us to become whole. (A. Janssen)
Cant. The world belongs to God and it must be converted to God. This is a difficult feat, but all is possible in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, who wishes to glorify the Father and the Son and to change the sinful world through the works of his servants. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 The adoration of the Holy Spirit will lead us to adoring and loving the Father and the Son. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 In the special adoration of the Holy Spirit there is included the adoration of the whole blessed Trinity, for the Holy Spirit goes forth from the love of the Father and the Son. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 It is the Spirit through whom the Father and the Son give grace to all. (A. Janssen)
Cant. The Holy Spirit is so little loved and honored! And still the Spirit is the God of love. May we love the Spirit with all our heart. (A. Janssen)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 If we think of Mother Maria Stollenwerk, we find ourselves before a great feminine personality and missionary pioneer, although she was not able to fulfill her greatest desire: to be sent on mission herself. (Pope John Paul II’s Homily at Maria’s Beatification)
Ant 2 In brief, we can state that her whole life was a sign of her being touched by God. (Homily)
Ant 3 The Holy Spirit inspired her to proclaim the Gospel, and as St. Paul said, to become all things to all people. (Homily)
Cant. Blessed Maria Helena saw the Holy Spirit as the driving force of missionary activity. (Homily)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Thanks to the basic attitude of trust in the power of God’s Spirit and to the faith flowing from her Eucharistic adoration and her constant closeness to the Lord by whom she felt sent, Mother Maria Stollenwerk could state, “Only God can fill our hearts.” (Pope John Paul II’s Homily at Maria’s Beatification)
Ant 2 God is too great and too vast to be understood by creatures. (Maria)
Ant 3 May Mother Maria give those who are attracted to missionary activity a heart so great and a faith so firm that eternal life, which only the Lord can give, may grow and mature in the hearts of all people. (Homily)
Cant. I want my life to be a life of love and gratitude...With my entire life I will serve the Gospel. (Maria)


Vigil or Morning Prayer

Ant 1 May Jesus, through the intercession of his holy mother and his holy foster father, give us the grace of being filled with his Holy Spirit and of following Jesus, especially in his hiddenness, his poverty, purity and obedience. (Mother Maria)
Ant 2 We can safely leave our future to the goodness of God. He will take care of us like a loving Father. (Mother Josepha)
Ant 3 May the most holy and just will of God, sovereign in its heights, impenetrable in its depths, most loveable in all its ways, be done in all things. (Maria)
Cant. Let us forget ourselves and give all glory and honor to our good God. (Mother Josepha)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 Live quietly with God. Work gladly for God. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 2 View things from God’s viewpoint. Talk things over with God. (Mother Mary Michael)
Ant 3 Glow with zeal for the glory of God. Find your joy in God. Rest deep in the heart of God. (Mother Mary Michael)
Cant. For a Servant of the Holy Spirit, every day should be a new Pentecost; every breath, "Come Holy Spirit!”; every deed, “Send forth your Spirit!”; and every heartbeat, "Lord Jesus, send us from the Father the Holy Spirit!” (Mother Mary Michael)


Morning Prayer

Ant 1 In order to save us and to teach us, you came to us as Light in our night. We want to remain faithful to your word, which you, O Divine Word, brought to us. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 O you who are clothed in the poor garment of our flesh, Son of God, you are the chosen instrument of the Love of the all holy Divine Trinity, the sun of Love. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 The Divine Word has chosen to be a pilgrim with us in order to lead us to glory and to make us his brothers and sisters. Yes, God’s Son has become our brother. (A. Janssen)
Cant. The Savior did not choose power and riches when he came to us. He was content with humility, poverty and even rejection by his own people. The Lord of heaven was put in a lowly manger from which animals took their food. (A. Janssen)

 Evening Prayer

Ant 1 We cannot find favor with God if we do not become little and child like. This is the great teaching of the holy Christmas night. (A. Janssen)
Ant 2 The angels fell through pride and our first parents fell and sinned because of pride. And now, the Divine Son of God, in order to give us an example, shows us not to choose the highest but the lowest place in life. (A. Janssen)
Ant 3 How filled with grace, with light and joy is the birth of our Divine Savior in Bethlehem. Surrounded by choirs of angels, he was greeted by them at his entrance into this world. (A. Janssen)
Cant. How much fullness in spiritual and bodily blessings has the Christ Child brought here to earth. Let us be grateful to him. Let us make others aware of the blessings he desires to share with us. (A. Janssen)



Father, through your incarnate Word you continue to reconcile the world. May the prayers of Saint Arnold, your priest, help all peoples walk in the way of salvation, freed from the darkness of sin by the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. We ask this …


Eph 3: 8 12, 14 19



Ps 96: 1 2, 2 3, 7 8, 9 10

"Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.”


 “Go and make disciples of all the nations.”


Jn. 1: 1 5, 9 14, 16 18


Lord, Saint Arnold consecrated himself with complete devotion to the Holy Spirit. May this same Spirit make holy the gifts we place upon this altar. We ask this through ......


Father, may the holy food we have received continue your work of salvation in us. By the example of Saint Arnold, give us courage, by his teaching, make us wise so that we too may burn with love for your Word, Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever.



God, your Spirit impelled Saint Joseph to proclaim the good news of salvation to the people of China. Aided by his prayers, may all peoples come to know Jesus and profess belief in him as their Savior, who lives and reigns …


Romans 15: 13 19a, 20 21



Ps. 98: 1, 2 3, 3 4, 5 6

"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.”


Lk 10: 1 9


Lord, give to us who offer these gifts at your altar the same spirit of love that filled Saint Joseph. By celebrating this sacred eucharist with pure minds and loving hearts may we offer a sacrifice that pleases you, and brings salvation to us. Grant this …


Lord, by the example of Saint Joseph and by the sacrament we have received, make us strong in the Spirit so that we may offer faithful witness to the truth of your gospel. We ask this in the name ....



O God, salvation of all peoples, you have inspired blessed Maria Helena Stollenwerk to burn with your love, to offer herself as a sacrifice for the propagation of faith. Through her intercession and example inspire your faithful with zealous love so that they may be faithful witnesses of the Gospel to all peoples. We ask this through....


Proverbs 31: 10 31 or
1 John 4: 7-16



Psalm 84

“How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord, God of hosts.”


Mat. 25: 1 13


Omnipotent God, accept us in these gifts we present to you and fill us with your Holy Spirit, for whose service and glorification blessed Maria Helena has given her life. We ask this through …


Lord, our God, we have received the body and blood of your Son. Strengthen us with that same Spirit of light and fortitude which helped blessed Maria Helena Stollenwerk to overcome darkness and difficulties in order to follow your call. We ask this in the name...